

An Oaks Dream Tale

An old Oak sat on the edge of a rocky edge of a cliff. 
With each wave smashing below, against the rocky wall, an acorn would fall from its branches, 
to the water below. And with each lost acorn, the tree would dream. 

These dreams of the old Oak,
holding on with its roots, that were slipping more and more,
dreamt of a life where its acorns would drop and grow, instead of being lost below. 

It was on one of these days that a passing cat, heard the sad sighs of the old Oak, 
whispering its dreams to the wind.
And the young cat, small but wise, 
started to think of how could it make this Oaks' Dreams become real... 

First of all, thank you for joining me and 
taking the time to read my blog. 

What you can expect from this blog;
is a bit of photography, 
a bit of writing, 
a bit about life, 
And my travelling adventures.